Saturday, 30 July 2011

Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)

  • This guy is bang on - requirements analysis and functional design - rarely in practice can they be separated and in agile projects the analyst should revel in this fact and the opportunity it presents!

  • In praise of specification, even in agile projects :-).

  • A Volkswagen initiative along the lines of gamification. I am not sure I morally agree with the Speed Camera lottery (rewards for sticking to the speed limit paid for by the fines of those that don't), but I am sure that it could work!

  • Useful set of templates for presentation structuring a la "BPP"

  • I may be outing myself as a CRM ignoramus, but I had never heard of the Value TRInity (Customer value indicators based upon Transaction, Relationship and Influence) - not sure that it is a complete view, but it is catchy ;-).

  • Having just been reading about how Kanban helps to create "Flow", I stumbled across this presentation about Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's apparently seminal work on the topic, "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience."

    Based upon my normal disdain for the profession, I am a little worried that I am finding the writings of a psychology professor so interesting. Perhaps I am finally maturing.

  • A great overview of Kanban and Scrum, and how they can be made to work together. As always, common-sense prevails - take the best bits from both, but do so knowingly because otherwise you will break them both!

  • Lean underpinnings for agile thinking, summarized well.

  • Another great presentation on InfoQ - this time, a thoughtful talk by Karl Scotland on combining Kanban and the thinking that underpins it (rather than just the process itself). I particularly like the fact that he connects systems thinking archetypes around flows and pressures with the motivation for the system, since I absolutely buy into this myself... though I still can't claim to really understand the systems thinking underpinnings (despite a half a dozen books and too many online articles!).

  • Saw the TED talk from Simon Sinek and enjoyed it. Web site is nice to.

  • It has been a while since I have personally spent any time in the world of quality assurance, but, as so often, I have a strong opinion on the massive difference that "good" testing can have, not just on finding and avoiding problems, but also on improving the product that is being developed (think, "does the customer really want to do this this way?!?"). This is a nice presentation on exploratory testing in agile projects.

  • A nicely structured presentation on how to apply a process to the creative design process.

  • Now that is a mobile app worth having - realtime map of train positions in Munich... OK, so it is only worth having if you live in Munich... let's hope it extends to other towns soon!

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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