Tuesday 27 August 2013

McKinsey & use case points ;-)

It is a sad day when McKinsey delivers an article on transformation in application development effectiveness that has nothing to say beyond "use use cases and then estimate use case points as an output oriented measure / KPI."

I found nothing new in the article that reads like the standard fare from the late Nineties/early Naughties on this topic (and probably before to be honest) ...still, if nothing else, it is a sign of the maturity of a process in IT when it pops up on McKinsey's radar.

The full article is here.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Unknown said...

Yeah, I am feeling sad each time the efficiency of a team is measured by "functional output". I don't think that's the right paradigm at all!
If for example team A delivers a solution for a business problem, by providing software functionality worth 20 UCP and team B solved the same problem by providing 40 UCP of software functionality. Both teams are able to deliver the solutions in 2 weeks.
Which team is more efficient?

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom! How can we contact your directly about your blog?

Anonymous said...

I can be reached via my homepage - wwww.winstanley.de (leave a private note and I can respond directly!). Look forward to hearing from you! Tom.