A nice no-nonsense summary of a balanced approach to search-engine optimisation:
Information junkie and ideas enthusiast. New father and new to London after a lifetime in Germany, Vice president at NTT DATA UK: I am an occasional blogger and more frequent tweeter (twinstan). All the views here are my own.
A nice no-nonsense summary of a balanced approach to search-engine optimisation:
Good to see some self-reflection in the hyped gamification space! Multiple disciplines need to play a part for a success and "game design" is at best only one of these disciplines...
The stuff that HR dreams and managers nightmares are made of... either way an interesting representation of a developing organisation!
Frameworks Are The Future of Design
This deck gives a food for thought on the way that web applications need to be conceived of from a "Web 2.0" perspective. The principles postulated seem to me to be solid. I am not so sure about the technical details (not my field ,-)), but I like the comparison of developers to the proverbial canary in the mine a lot.
Deck on simple change management approach
Simple, clear, average, but usable.
Somehow I managed to miss the fact that the latest version of DSDM (Dynamic systems development method) - aka Atern - is available entirely free of charge as a nifty handbook. I think this version is more complete and easier to apply than the previous versions (but I really have only ever tried out individual elements of the models and never wholesale, but might try it out for fun).
What's the Value Proposition of Your Ecommerce Company? | Practical eCommerce
Good solid stuff...
Business Analyst: a title that doesn’t reflect the profession
A nice little blog entry arguing that the term Business Analyst is misleading - I couldn't agree more, though I do not like the term synthesis which they use to express another of the key activities - I would keep it simply and call it "design" (be that solution, customer experience, business model, business process , system or service design).
Build. Measure. Learn. Lean Startup SXSW 2012
Both the actual materials on lean management in the startup space (by Eric Ries, the current Mr Lean-Startup) and the site hosting the course (udemy.com) are worth checking out.
Mary Meeker's Internet Trends Report
Recommended by Manuel Koelman of getContext in Cologne, this report, by Mary Meeker is well worth reading.
Augmented Reality Data: The Webcam Social Shopper
Interesting deck from Zugara showing that augmented reality for eCommerce is becoming a meaningful commercial proposition.
Gumroad has a cracking checkout process...
...just great.
Collusion :: Add-ons for Firefox for tracking behavioural tracking
This is a very nifty add-on for firefox that allows you to see graphically who is tracking you behaviour via cookies. Shocking and interesting at the same time.
The Top 5 Mistakes in Requirements Practices and Documentation | BA Times
Nice simple and accurate list.
Hans Rosling: Religions and babies | Video on TED.com
Hans Rosling is always thoughtful and entertaining.
US Department of Defence - Command & Control research on the agile imperative
Trust the US department of defence to have a sensible no nonsense view on agility. Refreshing.
10 fingers • Everything You Need to Know About Design Probably...
A colleague posted this link earlier today- I am inclined to agree with him that it is questionable in both premise and content, but an excellent selection of well designed sites and sources of tools / inspiration for user experience professionals.
Solid mindmap of many elements of a business-architecture - good checklist.
Business Processes: Better with Business Rules
Cracking article - I have never understood why this simple point seems to represent such a difficulty for so many organisations. Separating process and policy (or rules) is vital to getting your business model understood - you otherwise end up with a hug complex process model that does not simplify anything...
Using the Business Architecture in Business Analysis
Although in my opinion business architecture is more than a representation of the value streams, this is a good article on how architecture deliverables can have tangible value in operational analysis and design activities.
Tali Sharot: The optimism bias | Video on TED.com
Think positive? Here is some real food for thought...
BA Times | The Top 10 Business Analysis Skills for 2012
A good list of skills.. guess what visualisation in various forms, conceptual modelling, change management and asking "why" are all in there ;-).
Präsentationen der Information Architecture 2012 | User Centered
A great collection of presentations from the IA2012.
Start your content strategy with an audit
Great no-nonsense article on working out where you are with your online content and how to quickly identify what to do next. Worth reading if you are in the merchandizing or editing space.
Bing Goes Social with New Resdesign
Bing has doubled the number of searches it fulfills in the States (15% of market) in 2 years. I do like the social media integration in Bing, but still find that the results are not what I am looking for... have I been so conditioned by Google that I expect the results that they give me?!?
The standardisation of services to be purchased online is well underway. Alex Rampell at Techcrunch is positioning this as the next big thing.. I am not sure about that, but certainly he has some interesting points to make about what an online platform needs to contain to make such an offering fly.
Stephen Fry - All about I (What I wish I knew when I was 18) - YouTube
I have said it before, and will say it again. Stephen Fry is a smart man.
cracking simple online tool for free (whilst it is still in beta).
Agile Governance - White Paper - IndigoBlue Thought Leadership
These guys have a couple of simple points about how to embed agile methods effectively - the vital need for transparency regarding decision-making and where uncertainty lies and a strong framework of goals to steer projects and programmes in the right direction.
E-Commerce Companies Pleasing Customers More Than Ever
I am not really convinced that there has been a general improvement in the quality of e-Commerce experience, but the study mentioned here is a must read for the industry!
BBRT - Beyond Budgeting Roundtable
I was reminded of these guys earlier and stopped by on their website - it is much improved from my last visit (several years ago). Thought-provoking set of principles for organisations.
Rightshifting « Think Different
"Rightshifting" seems to be something to look into some more - will keep you posted.
The Simplicity Thesis | Fast Company
Simple is the new winner.
How to Generate a Good Idea | Moments of Genius | Big Think
In a time of teamwork and collaboration, looks like the (sensible) backlash is finally there. As with many things, moderation is the key and from this article it looks like there is some good research out there that reinforces what half of the developers I know have always known - sometimes you just really need time and space on your own to get things done! No big surprise, but no doubt controversial.
How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did - Forbes
The reality of what personalisation really means in practice.
Product Manager - Product Owner Dilemma
The fantasy of the "single" product owner in a complex organisation is nicely addressed here - it is unlikely to work since it is too much of a stretch for most individuals. Recognise the different activities across the entire product management discipline and accept that this is likely to be a team activity except in the smallest of organisations (or with the most experienced and hyperactive of individiduals).
2012 Presidential Election Interactive Map and History of the Electoral College
I just love maps..
Just for fun - spectacular photos!
Volkswagen Beetle - webbie winner
Cool concept
At last an online shopping experience I can enjoy!
SOA (the term) is dead, but SOA (the architecture) lives on
I am a big believer in the governance aspects of a solid service architecture approach, but agree with these guys on the fact that the technology and some of the "pie-in-the-sky" fantasies have been overtaken by events.
Joe Smith: How to use a paper towel
Simple advice, big impact, easy to follow and without pain - a perfect green solution!
Customer experience strategy: 10 killer tactics for success
On the whole, good common sense, though not all of equal value; "Be brilliant at delivery" is a bit of a catch-all for me...
Nice presentation that rightly emphasizes that technology alone (a la ajax) does not make a rich application!
Abigail Washburn: Building US-China relations ... by banjo | Video on TED.com
Now this is a remarkable lady...
No More Angling for the Best Seat; More Meetings Are Stand-Up Jobs - WSJ.com
Agile methods in the wall-street-journal. What is the world coming to?
Slide Show Time: Building a Future-Friendly Web | Webmonkey | Wired.com
Nice presentation on motivation for customer experience focus.. .as if anyone needed convincing ;-)...
Jer Thorp: Make data more human | Video on TED.com
Another entertaining data journalist...
BBC News - The Economist's predictions for 2050
I love the quote, "The Economist is a glass-is-half-full kind of publication"...
Seth's Blog: We can handle information density
More links and lists, not less? I am not sure.
Have you tested your strategy lately? - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Strategic Thinking
Some simple, tough questions for any organisation! Does your strategy actually differentiate? Does it guide decisions? If not, is that OK? Tough questions.
3 Ecommerce Personalization Strategies | Practical eCommerce
Short, but to the point.. personalisation doesn't mean crowdsourcing alone!
Design Principles: The Philosophy of UX
Good set of principle worth revisiting.
100 User Experience Design & Evaluation Methods for Your Toolkit | Johnny Holland
Nuff said.
The Achilles’ Heel of Agile » Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog
Having spent several years working with colleagues to build up an agile-driven eBusiness unit, I am quite familiar with the challenge of shared services and resources in a self-organising environment; the shared resources get overstretched and the "self-organising" teams begin to stop self-organising. Getting the balance right between providing a service and ensuring as much end-to-end ownership of a project as possible within a team is a real challenge. This short article gives a little food for thought on the parallel to the economic concept of common goods. I like this comparison because it immediately begs the question about the possibility of a tax to right the natural tendency to misuse common goods (at least it does if you have done an Economics 101 course!). I think this approach has real merit.
Designing for User Experience | Visual.ly
Not sure how often the user experience design process can be rehashed on visual.ly, but this one is not bad ;-)...
Alain de Botton: Atheism 2.0 | Video on TED.com
At last someone with a "balanced" view giving a possible positive direction for the atheist movements.
The Week That Killed SOPA: A Timeline
I suspect I had not fully understood the potential impact of SOPA, since the voracity of the backlash (and especially Wikipedia going offline for a day) were quite unexpected to me. On balance, probably a good thing that the act is tabled.
The 10 Hidden Costs of Daily Deals
This is an interesting response to the increasing enthusiasm of companies in the eCommerce space to introduce daily deals and coupon schemes. It is not as easy as it looks!
The Psychology of Color | Visual.ly
Having been involved in lighting work in student theatre many years ago (and been completely dreadful at it), I am always amazed at the impact of colour. This is a nice visualisation of the impact of colour.
Getting Three Fs in Gamification | Gamification Blog
Fun, friends and feebback? Sounds good.
The Marketing Measurement Checklist | Visual.ly
I was talking with an colleague today about exactly this topic - empowered product managers might stand a chance, but this survey shows that that is sadly not the norm.
I had heard about Google Panda a while back, but have not really looked into the impact for SEO. This is a nice easy "management" summary - will certainly keep eCommerce site optimizers on their toes!
E-commerce in 2012: the experts' view | Econsultancy
No overwhelming surprises here, but a nice summary of some ecommerce trends for the year...