Saturday, 19 May 2012

Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)

  • Solid mindmap of many elements of a business-architecture - good checklist.

  • Cracking article - I have never understood why this simple point seems to represent such a difficulty for so many organisations. Separating process and policy (or rules) is vital to getting your business model understood - you otherwise end up with a hug complex process model that does not simplify anything...

  • Although in my opinion business architecture is more than a representation of the value streams, this is a good article on how architecture deliverables can have tangible value in operational analysis and design activities.

  • Think positive? Here is some real food for thought...

  • A good list of skills.. guess what visualisation in various forms, conceptual modelling, change management and asking "why" are all in there ;-).

  • A great collection of presentations from the IA2012.

  • Great no-nonsense article on working out where you are with your online content and how to quickly identify what to do next. Worth reading if you are in the merchandizing or editing space.

  • Bing has doubled the number of searches it fulfills in the States (15% of market) in 2 years. I do like the social media integration in Bing, but still find that the results are not what I am looking for... have I been so conditioned by Google that I expect the results that they give me?!?

  • The standardisation of services to be purchased online is well underway. Alex Rampell at Techcrunch is positioning this as the next big thing.. I am not sure about that, but certainly he has some interesting points to make about what an online platform needs to contain to make such an offering fly.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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