Some may recall, that last year I resolved only to improve the quality of meetings that I organised. Though it is for others to judge, I feel that I have been reasonably rigorous in applying the common sense rules, that we all know, but fail to apply to make sure that meetings are not a waste of time:
- No meeting without an agenda in advance (and that means with owners, objectives and timings - see entries on the Manager-Tools effective meeting protocoll, EMP for short - see here for previous posting on this).
- Prepare for meetings, thinking about what it is you actually want to achieve.
- Start and finish on time (and postpone/rearrange if necessary)... OK, this is one that I have not been entirely successful with for other peoples' meetings, but my own I have pretty much kept in plan.
- Meetings without agreed actions are just nice chats - "who does what by when?"
- Follow up on actions consistently ("duh, of course", as my younger brother would say, but if we are honest, it is this point that is almost always lacking).
- Apply the principles to all meetings I attend rather than just my own - I think this is going to be really tough, but hopefully worth the effort.
- Use the time available to me for work effectively - As with the EMP, it is a "no-brainer" to wish this, but how many truly prioritise work items appropriately consistently (I consider myself to be pretty good at this, but I certainly cannot say that I *always* apply rules a la Drucker's "The Effective Executive" - see also previous postings from me on this) and perhaps even more critically in the consulting industry, how many properly plan enough time for the different types of activity (and in particular thinking time)? A smart colleague picked me up on this last week - when do you do your thinking, he asked. My immediate response was, "19:00-20:00 and after 22:00". Though accurate, I do believe that a better response would involve some working hours and this leads to point 3.
- Sleep more ... see the recent TED posting on this topic.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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