Information junkie and ideas enthusiast. New father and new to London after a lifetime in Germany, Vice president at NTT DATA UK: I am an occasional blogger and more frequent tweeter (twinstan). All the views here are my own.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Agile extension for BABOK is now available
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
HM Government best management practice
The HM Government best management practice website has a bunch of interesting pod- and vodcasts on programme and project management for beginners.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
OK, the number of manifestos is getting a little silly, but there is one statement here I really like; "Accept everything is a draft").
I stumbled across Peter Morvilles' user experience treasure map in a disappointing presentation on cross-channel design. This is an excellent summary of the user experience lifecycle deliverables and his take on how they fit together (into a treasure map).
30+ iPad Apps For Designers, Developers And Creative Types | SpyreStudios
I still love my iPad. This is a great selection of sketch and design apps.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Slowest Load Times of Microsoft Sharepoint |
I love the sharepoint features, but hate the loading times...
(Agile 2011) Lean UX: Getting Out of the Deliverables Business
Lots of pretty pictures and a good basic message about the need for UX-guys to focus on the experience and not the beautiful deliverables in a lean project. Would have liked to see more about approaches.
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Stupid, Stupid Client | UX Magazine
I don't like the title, but the commentary on approaches to help your client understand the user experience design process are solid.
Subtle priming of meetings and decisions seems to have a big effect - no surprises from my side here - context is everything! I fear I am becoming known as being a little obsessive about this stuff though...("thought-police" has come up a couple of times in recent feedback sessions ;-)).
My thoughtful colleague (see previous postings) is once again busy reading up on interesting things (and in particular software engineering capability building. In this context he has revisited CMMI, thus causing me to revisit CMMI, having dismissed it as a truly helpful tool several years back (the last time I even surfed the SEI website was about 5 years ago). Shame on me! There has been a good deal of thoroughly interesting improvements and the SEI lot have build an impressive portfolio of useful materials. This link is an appraisal of how to combine agile and CMMI elements - a little dry, but quite thorough.
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Bain & Company : Management Tools - Top 10 Management Tools
Amusing overview of management tool development over the last 20 years - not much change!
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Geoffrey West: The surprising math of cities and corporations | Video on
Finally another interesting talk at TED after many disappointments - companies die, cities don't don't.
User Centred Design |
A little simplistic, but I am a big fan of penguins ;-)...
Slightly depressing.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Requirements Versus Design: It’s All Design
This guy is bang on - requirements analysis and functional design - rarely in practice can they be separated and in agile projects the analyst should revel in this fact and the opportunity it presents!
An Agile Functional Specification
In praise of specification, even in agile projects :-).
A Volkswagen initiative along the lines of gamification. I am not sure I morally agree with the Speed Camera lottery (rewards for sticking to the speed limit paid for by the fines of those that don't), but I am sure that it could work!
Book Resources | Beyond Bullet Points
Useful set of templates for presentation structuring a la "BPP"
The Future of Social Customer Relationship Management
I may be outing myself as a CRM ignoramus, but I had never heard of the Value TRInity (Customer value indicators based upon Transaction, Relationship and Influence) - not sure that it is a complete view, but it is catchy ;-).
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Having just been reading about how Kanban helps to create "Flow", I stumbled across this presentation about Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's apparently seminal work on the topic, "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience."
Based upon my normal disdain for the profession, I am a little worried that I am finding the writings of a psychology professor so interesting. Perhaps I am finally maturing. -
A great overview of Kanban and Scrum, and how they can be made to work together. As always, common-sense prevails - take the best bits from both, but do so knowingly because otherwise you will break them both!
Lean underpinnings for agile thinking, summarized well.
Another great presentation on InfoQ - this time, a thoughtful talk by Karl Scotland on combining Kanban and the thinking that underpins it (rather than just the process itself). I particularly like the fact that he connects systems thinking archetypes around flows and pressures with the motivation for the system, since I absolutely buy into this myself... though I still can't claim to really understand the systems thinking underpinnings (despite a half a dozen books and too many online articles!).
Saw the TED talk from Simon Sinek and enjoyed it. Web site is nice to.
InfoQ: Testing for the Unexpected
It has been a while since I have personally spent any time in the world of quality assurance, but, as so often, I have a strong opinion on the massive difference that "good" testing can have, not just on finding and avoiding problems, but also on improving the product that is being developed (think, "does the customer really want to do this this way?!?"). This is a nice presentation on exploratory testing in agile projects.
Method Cards (Beta 1.0) | Design Thinking
A nicely structured presentation on how to apply a process to the creative design process.
S-Bahn-München zeigt aktuellen Standort der Züge in Google Maps an | Internet | News |
Now that is a mobile app worth having - realtime map of train positions in Munich... OK, so it is only worth having if you live in Munich... let's hope it extends to other towns soon!
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Strategy 2.0: The Six Key Telco 2.0 Opportunities - STL Partners / Telco 2.0 Research
Good overview of status quo on direction for telecommunications companies under pressure on all sides.
How Strategic Planning relates to Enterprise Architecture
A promising no nonsense start to this article ended in disappointment, but still the discussion around business capabilities and how best to segment them in the context of strategic planning is an interesting one. I remain convinced that the best way to frame these capabilities is through the customers' eyes (ie. via customer experience scenarios or journeys), even at the cost of some clarity in what the capability actually requires (in the case of inward facing needs); I have sadly yet to see much of this in TOGAF case studies or application.
The Incredible Run of Google+ - Technorati Technology
Wow, google+ is spreading like crazy. I don't dare speculate where this one is going, but if you are in the online business, you better start playing with this one!
Trial and error - a beautiful thing
I finally have the beginnings of a plan for a bunch of entries that will hopefully say something interesting about the connections between systems thinking, design thinking, agile methods and business modeling.
I suspect that it is going to take quite a while for me to formulate this out (think years rather than months), but I just watched a talk by Tim Harford (known from the "undercover economist" books and newspaper columns) at TED Global 2011, that I think is a good way to kick things off, since it made a lot of sense to me and brings together the iterative and exploratory methods of both agile and design thinking for innovation with a degree of structure:
The basic premise is a simple one; the world is too complex for us to be able to find solutions to issues by thought and analysis alone, we need to accept that we do not understand everything and, more importantly, accept that trial and error is a valid way to find solutions. As Harford says, this is obvious, but not accepted (check out some of my earlier posts on common sense solutions not necessarily being applied).
Having accepted this premise, the key thing in my eyes is to work out how to become great (and efficient) at trial and error - that is, learning incrementally from what we do and the agile, design thinking worlds have a lot to offer on that front, be it sprints, retrospectives, exploratory design, customer centric learning. Add to this the rigour of systems thinking approaches to build better understanding of complexity to building or support decision-making frameworks and you have a winning combination.
More to follow.
Here is the video:
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Visually Launches To Automate The Making Of Infographics | TechCrunch
I was sure that I had already posted on this.. must be getting old. Love the site, love the direction - one to subscribe to if you enjoy simple visualisations of complex data!
Another cracker on gamification from management exchange
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Agile Connect 2011 - Keynote: The Essential Product Owner - Partnering with the Team
Not sure this warrants a keynote, but a good presentation nonetheless.
Cool Infographics - Blog - Britain's Changing High Street Businesses
Another great infographic. Simple and easy to understand.
Lego Takes Crowdsourcing up a Notch | ClickZ
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Ultimate Wallboard Winner - an interactive backlog board
Nice combination of technology and good old post-its on this development project to show project progress
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Real-time local Twitter trends - Trendsmap
A cracking site mapping twitter trend terms onto a map.
Authors@Google: Brian Dunning Skeptoids
Entertaining presentation on urban myths
InfoQ: Using Design Thinking to Stop Building Worthless Software
Less impressive than I had hoped, but a good solid presentation connecting design thinking and agility in product development
YouTube - 35 years of CGI: milestones and fiscal 2010 highlights
I think it best, I let this presentation speak for itself ;-)
SINNRAUM - Willkommen auf der Homepage von Gunter Dueck
I spotted this link on the skype profile of a very thoughtful colleague - this blogger is a published philosopher, maths professor and chief technologist at IBM. Will definitely be exploring further ;-)...
How to design your Business Model as a Lean Startup | Methodologist
Interesting that Osterwalder's canvas really does seem to be getting traction - great little blog article on a lead startup business model
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Agile Architecture: Strategies for Scaling Agile Development
It is always worth returning to Scott Ambler on agile modeling and architecture...
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" | Video on
Great succinct presentation on why the personalisation wave online must be dealt with cautiously - I am convinced that the result of personalisation approaches will be overwhelmingly positive for the consumer, but only if it is accompanied with transparency about how it is personalising...
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
The value proposition in multichannel retailing - McKinsey Quarterly - Marketing - Pricing
Another indicator that experience is the new value driver...
Managing: How to Work More Like a Start-Up, Planning and Strategy Article - Inc. Article
Not sure that I am entirely convinced by this, but it is a nice idea...
10 Podcasts to Help Your Ecommerce Business | Practical eCommerce
A bunch of podcasts that I have not yet explored, but they look like they are worth checking out...
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
fourthway: The Real Underground 1125x788
Cool morph between the london underground map and the "real" streetmap positions of the stations.
BCG look at corporate portfolio management
A nice easy read.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
YouTube - Bay XP Meeting Part 1: Agile Estimation, Mike Cohn
Haven't watched this in some time - great overview of agile estimation approaches. Though I am not an absolute convert on this particular front, the talk gives an excellent introduction on the no nonsense thinking behind relative sizing.
What is A platform to explore visual data launching soon
YouTube - 8 Regeln für den totalen Stillstand in Unternehmen
What a fantastic overview of things NOT TO DO in an organisation. Sadly only in German.
Sketchnotes 2009 & 2010 – A book by Eva-Lotta Lamm
Nice collection of images around UX concepts
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
InfoQ: Architectural Decisions as Reusable Design Assets
Perhaps a little over formal, but some formality about decision making in architecture is a must and this looks like a framework that might work...
Gamestorming » Blog Archive » Who/What/When Matrix
Interesting take on the effective meeting protocol
Valpak Rolls Out Augmented Reality Coupons
Cool augmented reality coupon app...
Do-It-Yourself Project Management (And How Behance Does It) :: Articles :: The 99 Percent
Yet another agile like project management approach...
Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine | Video on
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
GeekBeat.TV #153 | SXSW 2011 – David Ferrucci Talks About IBM’s Watson | GeekBeat.TV
The Watson project is remarkable.. some how this managed to get past me without me noticing. Definitely worth checking out.
YouTube - Leading@Google: Greg Shea
Surviving "24/8" working week.. good stuff.
Stop the Insanity: How To Crush Communication Overload :: Tips :: The 99 Percent
Given my new resolution (see post from January), I will be paying particular attention to this blog stream...
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
What an amazing site - wish this had been available when I was at school...
I stumbled across this classic article on Tom Peters' blog by chance (at least 14 years after first having to read it in my organisational design seminar at Bath!) - I know that the 7S framework has come under a deal of criticism, but this article still stands up well, 30 years on.
A Brief History of the 7-S ("McKinsey 7-S") Model | tompeters!
Despite his more recent outpourings, Tom Peters' 80s classics are still well worth revisiting...
Why Process Models but not Data Models? | Greta Blash
This article matches my perspective - data modeling is a missing weapon in too many analysts' arsenal.
Cool Infographics - Blog - The Infographic Noob Guide to Online Marketing
A cracking infographic on online-marketing tools
Effects of agile methods on website quality for electronic commerce
Lean UX: Getting Out Of The Deliverables Business - Smashing Magazine
Collaborative Design Facilitator Cards (First Iteration) | the architecture of everything
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
The Evolution of CRM Communication Channels
Kommunication ist alles...
Herding Cats: Does Agile Need to be Named?
Once again, Mr Allemann takes the "bling" out of agile and brings it back to what it is. Good.
Announcing the ZapThink 2020 Poster: The Vision of the Future of Enterprise IT | ZapThink
Lots of nice thoughts in one diagram
Endless fantastic case studies for creative professionals
Persuasive Design or The Fine Art of Separating People from Their Bad Behaviours - Online
and another one from Sebastian Deterding. Smart guy. Loads of examples.
Gamify | The Gamification Platform
Definitely need to get into this stuff more - big wave coming...
YouTube - Meaningful Play: Getting Gamification Right
Great talk on "Gamification"
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Open University - Systems | How To Register | Systems Open Study Group
Another great free resource on systems thinking from the open university.. proud to be british...
Systems thinking diagram types
Great little tutorial site on diagramming
BBC Systems Practice - Managing Complexity
BBC & the Open University are just fantastic..
E-Commerce News: Enterprise IT: The Enterprise Architect Gets Some Respect
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
Gartner Identifies 10 Consumer Mobile Applications to Watch in 2012
Herding Cats: Agile & earned value management
Cracking presentation from Glen Alleman about that gets away from agile rhetoric and once again puts it in more perspective of project management innovation over the years...
Landingpages für generische Keywords fit machen | Conversion Optimierung Blog
Good summary, even if I still haven't seen many companies ready to move in this direction.
The Bad Ass BA Observes the “Hunt for the Right BA”, part 2 | Articles
More interesting that the previous posting - a thoughtful take on career progression in the analysis domain.
Bad Busines Analysts, Project Managers, and Relationships | Elizabeth Larson
Thought provoking, if a little clicheed.
Zero Email Company: Atos Origin will keine E-Mails mehr -
A brave, but sensible goal...
Facebook Connect for Ecommerce: Is It Right For Your Business? « Get Elastic Ecommerce Blog
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
A Case Study: A Business Analyst on an Agile Project
For analysts new to agile this article provides a good overview showing that it is the same, but different to more traditional projects....
LinkedIn Labs | InMaps - Visualize your LinkedIn network
Very cool.
Martin Jacques: Understanding the rise of China | Video on
Not my favourite economist (ex editor of Marxist Today), but a timely reminder about the coming role of China.
The A-B-C of Behaviour - Johnny Holland – It's all about interaction
Nice overview on changing behaviours for designers
Accenture_Everything_Elastic_Technology_Vision.pdf (application/pdf Object)
As much as it pains me to post the competition, this is a nice summary of Accenture thinking on the trends last year (and they were largely right).
heise online - BPMN 2.0 für eine bessere Zusammenarbeit zwischen Fachabteilung und IT
I really hope that the heise-editors are right and BPMN 2.0 does get established more universally on the business as well as IT side.. but I am not holding my breath.
Cool Infographics - Blog - The Illusion of Diversity: Visualizing the Soft Drink Industry
Worlds Top Leadership Gurus Speakers Trainers Leadership Development
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
GoogleTalk on Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan - not sure I would buy the book based upon this, but it he has some interesting ideas
How Facebook Ships Code « FrameThink – Frameworks for Thinking People
Some fascinating insights into software engineering and product development and facebook - even if only part of this is true it sounds like a developers fantasy.
11 Types of Analytics for 2011 « Get Elastic Ecommerce Blog
Nice overview of types of web analytics tools
GazeHawk - Eye Tracking For Everyone - Usability Services & Software
Have had good experience with eye-tracking in general. I like the look of this offering - good pricing and looks like a reasonable reporting suite. Would be interested in any feedback people have.
2010's 25 Top Posts On The Forrester Blog For Interactive Marketing Professionals | Forrester Blogs
The Sequel Map – Which Sequels Were Better or Worse Than the Original? — BoxOfficeQuant
Just another nice data graphic - guess what - sequels are mostly worse than the original - probably not really a learning that requires a info-graphic, but it does look good...
Book Review: The Design of Design: Essays from a Computer Scientist :: UXmatters
Any book by Brooks is worth reading - this is definitely going on my reading list.
Design Thinking | Employing Design Principles | Defining Ease of Use :: UXmatters
A nice overview with some good links on design thinking
Less succinct than the telco paper of (practically) the same name, but also pretty good. Once again, no real new insights, but a few nice facts on cloud computing and M&A in the technology sector.
A nice summary of the trends in the telco industry for the operators - nothing new, but succinctly put.
Exciting Commerce: Businessmodelle für Fortgeschrittene: Die Erfinder-Bibliothek
Links to a few interesting books on business modelling
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Sunday, 9 January 2011
And so the year begins..
Some may recall, that last year I resolved only to improve the quality of meetings that I organised. Though it is for others to judge, I feel that I have been reasonably rigorous in applying the common sense rules, that we all know, but fail to apply to make sure that meetings are not a waste of time:
- No meeting without an agenda in advance (and that means with owners, objectives and timings - see entries on the Manager-Tools effective meeting protocoll, EMP for short - see here for previous posting on this).
- Prepare for meetings, thinking about what it is you actually want to achieve.
- Start and finish on time (and postpone/rearrange if necessary)... OK, this is one that I have not been entirely successful with for other peoples' meetings, but my own I have pretty much kept in plan.
- Meetings without agreed actions are just nice chats - "who does what by when?"
- Follow up on actions consistently ("duh, of course", as my younger brother would say, but if we are honest, it is this point that is almost always lacking).
- Apply the principles to all meetings I attend rather than just my own - I think this is going to be really tough, but hopefully worth the effort.
- Use the time available to me for work effectively - As with the EMP, it is a "no-brainer" to wish this, but how many truly prioritise work items appropriately consistently (I consider myself to be pretty good at this, but I certainly cannot say that I *always* apply rules a la Drucker's "The Effective Executive" - see also previous postings from me on this) and perhaps even more critically in the consulting industry, how many properly plan enough time for the different types of activity (and in particular thinking time)? A smart colleague picked me up on this last week - when do you do your thinking, he asked. My immediate response was, "19:00-20:00 and after 22:00". Though accurate, I do believe that a better response would involve some working hours and this leads to point 3.
- Sleep more ... see the recent TED posting on this topic.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Twinstan's interesting links roundup on Diigo (weekly)
E-Commerce News: E-Commerce: The Towering E-Commerce 3.0 Wave
Ignore the title and it is a pretty succinct blog entry on ecommerce organisation within traditional companies
Another example of gaming technology being used to change behaviours in the real world. Will try this one out for sure...
European Multi-Client Retail Mass Market Benchmark 2010
Some nice stats on retail mass market
The Relevance of User Experience: Using Every Opportunity to Impress Users | UX Booth
Good anecdotes for the value of user experience for non-converts...